Amadeus: “Ready to welcome tractors to the Ariston”

They make it clear that they are just outside Rome, that they met last night on a podium in Nomentana and counted, that the city is “surrounded” and that from Thursday they will “march” to the palaces of power (= palazzo). “become Chigi). But before? First Sanremo. It is not all that surprising, says the historian, that this was a series of farmers' demonstrations already dubbed the “tractor protest” that swept across Europe, with farmers getting into their vehicles, blocking traffic, and you complain about some of them Decisions ranging from the ecological transition to the increase in raw material prices, while prices on the market remain the same even in Italy, says Amadeus, who announced in the press conference that he is ready to announce them during the live broadcast to the Ariston stage. “The protests must be listened to,” he said. This is also Sanremo.

If the invitation hadn't caused the usual hornet's nest of controversy, especially on the right. Just look at the newspaper headlines: for The newspaper “Sanremo gets on tractors,” while Free With an “Amadeus on the tractor” he accuses Amadeus of the diktat from a few weeks ago (“Politics doesn’t come to Sanremo,” remember?) – and an objectively effective “Let him dig.” Yes, because the peasant protests are widespread across the continent, they are attacking governments of all stripes, and here they are targeting the executive of Giorgia Meloni. He has also expressed certain sympathy towards them, but the increasingly skeptical organizers continue to accuse him of inaction and inaction. In addition, it is clear that the Ministry of Economy has no intention of opening the taps to help them in a difficult situation for the entire country. At this point, the “embarrassment” of Rai, which all the newspapers address, is predictable: in what is for everyone “Tele Meloni”, where attempts are made to silence any form of dissent against the government, there is a danger that we find ourselves as opponents, speaking live on the most watched program of all three channels and everything, they think, for this devil Amadeus. Apparently the farmers accepted the invitation with a smile: it looks like they are setting off from Cuneo towards the Riviera and “one of us will go on stage”. As a side note, and without disparaging anyone, let's also say that the tractors entering the square would be scenic in itself.

However, we will see that in such cases the situation changes very quickly and the final word is never said. In any case, it would not be the first time that a protest of this kind has come to the forefront in Italy. It happened in 1984 – he was the leader of Baudo – with a thousand workers from Genoa, whose Italsider factory was threatened with closure, and who demonstrated in front of the theater on the opening night until they were invited on stage; and it was repeated, among others, by Fabio Fazio in 2000 and 2014, first with the protests for milk quotas and then for the conditions of workers in the country of the fires. Here and there also Pino Pagano, unemployed, threatening suicide – in 1995 he presented Baudo again, a Fumantina edition also for Cavallo Pazzo's pitch invasion – and the yellow Gillets. If Sanremo is the real country, then Sanremo is this too.

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