Dj Shocca is Untouchable – Album Review

In this last period, one of the pillars of Italian hip-hop courts and sacred monster of Italian rap’s original sound, Mr. DJ Shock, is making an increasingly glorious return to the top of the hip-hop scene. His new album can be summed up in a single word that defines the artist’s role in the scenario, his legacy and the need to have such a record today, and coincidentally that word is the album’s title: Sacrosanct.

The return of DJ Shockca had to be awaited

At the end of 2022 during an interview that Shocca e inoki on the day of the release of their EP 4 handsthe longtime producer of Unlimited Struggle said:

We are here in 2022 to rock, ie pump, and be ourselves and only us at the peak of our form

The desire for revenge for Shocca is palpable in his new releases, in his return so incessantly and effectively after his almost 10-year flight from this world. Come back with glorious productions in records from Gue, Emis Killa, Jake La Furiaor the same inokiStaying true to his sound, he takes his skills and talent where normal producers would never go Sacrosanct reminds us that despite all the great discipline and dedication that plays a major role in the rap game, the talent and experience of figures like Shocca can only be appreciated, held, studied and applauded.

As much as opinions remain opinions, i.e. are subjective, facts are facts. 60Hz And 60Hzand anyone who doesn’t recognize this 2004 album as one of the best works of urban art in Italy can only be ridiculous.

Until a few days ago, this was the only official studio album signed by DJ Shocca soloist: numerous collaborations with other rappers, especially artist brothers Mistaman And Frank Sicilianobut as for an official album signed only with his name, the only project that follows 60Hz arrived in 2023.

Sacrosanto by Dj Shocca is a CD that defines itself – review by track

In his eight super essential tracks Sacrosanct Character collaborations with the crème de la crème. 90 Couples absurd chaos And Emis Killa for a hardcore track, with a beat that seems to be taken from the original It’s dark and hell is hot From DMX extension. We see the duo take turns and end with an unexpected champion chemistry fingerprint of RocBeats, his inimitable scratches that the project is full of.

As for scratching, the DJ he said during the interview we were granted:

I never stopped scratching, it’s cycles. Now it’s things that become meaningful again in a certain way

It seemed impossible is a masterful piece, with Big fish and Shocca, who combine their skills as case craftsmen, adding to the technical prowess of the legendary maker torment It is a Gemitaiz Really fitting, all surrounded by an R&B chorus from the singer sissyfor a timeless song.

full effect It’s pure, naked and raw hip hop Egreen And Damage They show off their rap songwriting skills to precise, broken time signatures on a punchy boom-bap of the classic Roc B. This title sounds like it could be a song that has never been released before. 60Hz.

Vera fight deserves one of the highest spots among songs released that year. The song is one of the brightest episodes on the album, despite the nocturnal soundscape Sacrosanct stay intact. There is another pearl in which Monster, ghemon And mattak Band together for a track that lyrically explores the importance of passion in fighting the toughest and darkest of personal challenges:

In the mind the fear is not in the journey but in the take off / And again no sleep because of the accidents tonight / Brother, like when you put on a horror / And who says to me “grit your teeth”, you know how often I do it, while i sleep

Along with the verses having an important message depth, Ghemon’s fantastically buzzing chorus also deserves praise.

Signed Alchemy Limitless fight is celebrated in hip-hop soul Without youan embarrassingly beautiful and intimate track in which Frank Siciliano and Mistaman discuss how a difficult love break-up is necessary for self-discovery and personal growth:

I think it’s amazing / No one experiences your panic more than me / I admit I can’t cut, cut you / We are not made to be alone / I have to make it without you / With my strengths and weaknesses / Understand who i am and who i want to be i just know that/ i have to make it without you

It’s tracks like these that offer another glimmer of hope in the art of contemporary hip hop, showing just how capable this art is of touching and penetrating the listener’s interior and delivering with the skill and talent the math of rap – the feeling, the empathy.

tracks like The rest is history with Inoki and Nitro Instead, they’re cultural tracks for culture, where hip hop is accepted for what it is, and there’s no better carpet for that than the work of DJ Shocca.

The disc closes with it No Survivor / The Lesson and the welcome return of crazy buddya double track where the dark section of the short record reaches its deepest black moment and then descends into what might be called a more East Coast epithet.

Unfortunately, the narrative sometimes offered on the record (or works of this nature) is that of an album that attempts to bring a sound of yesteryear into a soundscape different or further developed This is today. To claim and accept that the vinyl record might sound old and outdated to the youngest is a culture-damaging discourse that must be absolutely rejected as it is an educational issue.

If you’re going to say you like rap, you’ve got to be educated to know how to appreciate a job like this Sacrosanct, Why (Exactly) it is untouchable. It has no time, it has a soul. Just as Milan Cathedral is showing its age, so is its beauty. If someone were to build a “new cathedral” today, the most outlandish statement one could make would be to downplay it as a work for the nostalgic, since new buildings do not follow the same pattern.

Sacrosanct It’s for everyone and it’s a wonderful record.

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