Mark Zuckerberg slams Elon Musk for avoiding confrontation: ‘It’s time to move on’

In a post on Threads on Sunday, Mark Zuckerberg slammed Elon Musk for continuing to avoid the now infamous cage match.

Musk repeated details of the fight again this week – including his Rome headquarters, streaming info and who the proceeds will go to – but hasn’t set a date for the event yet (which would have frustrated Zuckerberg enough to have canceled everything now) , as Mr. Meta wrote.

“I would say we can all agree that Elon is not serious and it’s time to wrap things up and move on,” Zuckerberg wrote. “I gave him an appointment. Dana White (President of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, ndt) has offered to make the fight a legitimate competition for charity. Elon would not confirm an appointment, then says he needs surgery and now asks to do another round of training in my backyard instead.”

In a separate tweet, author Walter Isaacson, who is writing a bio on Musk, confirmed Zuckerberg’s claim through text messages from Musk himself. Here they are.

Tensions between the two tech moguls escalated to the point in June that Musk said he was “ready for a…” cage matchagainst his meta nemesis. Zuckerberg responded curtly, “Send me the location.” Musk then took up the gauntlet: “If you’re serious, I will.”

In the months that followed, the two discussed the logistics of the fight on their social apps, but never set a date for the event. Zuckerberg — who has been practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu for a year and was the betting favorite in the hypothetical match — hasn’t quite closed the chapter on a challenge with Musk, but he advised his opponent to take it seriously.

“If Elon ever gets serious and wants to set up a real date or plan an official event, he knows how to reach me,” Zuck wrote. “Otherwise it’s time to move on. I will focus on competing with people who take the sport seriously.”

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