“Mom doesn’t touch her. Or maybe it is”. Control’s dildo campaign for Mother’s Day

«Mom and pleasure? A topic not to touch. But instead we consider it necessary to break this taboo». Mother’s Day is approaching, planned for May 14th, but the advertising campaign of Control, the reference brand for condoms and sex toys, which sees a woman in the foreground with a pink dildo at her side, is already causing discussions with the claim: « This year, give her a present that will really bring her joy. Give soul vibes». A provocation, or rather a marketing decision that touches on a topic that is still little discussed, such as the time after childbirth and the active maintenance of one’s own eros in the female sphere. Such a hot topic that apparently both social and physical advertising would have been censored by billboards. The company itself explained it in a post.

“That billboard never came out and you won’t like the reason why. For Mother’s Day we wanted to break a taboo that had existed for too long and say clearly, yes, mothers can feel joy too. But as our embassy says, the stereotypical and anachronistic image of the mother must not be touched, so much so that our campaign cannot be promoted on social channels and could not become a real poster.” However, not all users took sides to this choice To defend. In fact, many have openly criticized the possibility of associating Mother’s Day with a sexual theme: “It seems to me that we’re taking a woman here and labeling her ‘mother’ in a context where it’s not necessary is, with the sole purpose of riding the trend of the obligatory holiday” or “Agreed, pleasure is everyone’s business, but to give away a vibrator for Mother’s Day… in short, it seems quite inappropriate to me, then I don’t know, what relationship you have with your mothers” are among the most critical comments. But the company has decided to go ahead and announce that it has relied on word of mouth from its customers to get the message across: “We decided to spread it anyway and amplify it through the most important media: people.” . If you also believe that having fun is everyone’s right, share it. A society without prejudice is the best gift we can give to all mothers».

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