Noel Gallagher recalls the night before his first concert with Oasis: ‘The most stressful day of my life’

Two days before his live debut with Oasis, Noel Gallagher realized he had never played guitar standing up in his life. He tells it in an interview of the series symbols by Gibson TV.

“We rehearsed a piece of mine Columbia, an instrumental piece,” says Gallagher. “We had a concert planned for Tuesday and I suddenly realized that I had never played guitar standing up in my life. Not only that, I didn’t even own a damn guitar strap. And it was Sunday evening.

“I can only tell you that Monday was the most stressful day of my life,” says Noel, adding that he spent a good hour at home in front of the mirror. The point is that “how you hold the guitar the first time is what matters”: it shouldn’t be too high, but it shouldn’t be too low either. “I remember looking in the mirror and thinking, ‘Something’s wrong.’

In the end it went well. “Thank god it wasn’t the era of phones and video cameras because by now there would be some embarrassing footage. But it was still an exhilarating experience.”

Out of Rolling Stone USA.

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