All Music Italia's most popular artists in January 2023: Annalisa again

Which artists were read the most? All music Italy In the month of January?

Also this month Saremo Festival confirms itself as the center of attention. He defends himself well Friendswhile the others only have crumbs left.

These are the top 5 positions:

  1. Sanremo Festival (74.04%)
  2. Friends (21.42%)
  3. X-Factor (1.82%)
  4. Sanremo Giovani (0.52%)
  5. Sea outside (0.27%)

As for the characters, Luca Jurman keeps up court with its controversy Friends.

Here are the top 5 characters:

    1. Luca Jurman (56.46%)
    2. Morgan (16.35%)
    3. Amadeus (3.89%)
    4. Fiorello (3.00%)
    5. Fedez (2.67%)

Click Next to discover the most read artist, emerging artist and talent star of the month. And the editor too…

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