Here is the cast of Love MI 2023, Fedez’s free charity TV concert

Fedez today announced the cast of Love MI 2023, the free benefit concert that will take place on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 in Milan’s Piazza Duomo.

In addition to Fedez, there will also be Achille Lauro, Andrea Damante, Anna, Annalisa, Articolo 31 with J-Ax, Ava, Bresh, Caneda, Capo Plaza, Clara, Francesca Michielin, Fred De Palma, Gemitaiz, gIANMARIA, Il Pagante , La Sad , Lazza, Luigi Strangis, Mara Sattei, Massimo Danger, Matteo Paolillo, Miles, Rondodasosa, Speranza, Tananai, Tedua, Tony Effe, Villa Banks.

“Love MI aims to be an open space for the contemporary in a city that doesn’t always give things away,” said Fedez. “Started as an idea to restart live dates in Italian squares, combining music and charity, it has become a moment of reunion, a real annual ritual.”

Behind the choice of the cast “there is no big studio, I choose it with Vivo.” I want it to evoke the spirit of the great television events of the past, but in a less institutional way than other events in Piazza del Duomo. And the special guests announced on the bill? “There could be a big surprise, four or five special guests. There’s something at stake, but maybe. Expect everything and nothing… it’s free anyway».

Last year there was some controversy over the use of bases and half-playbacks. “Hey guys, everyone decides how they sing,” Fedez said at the press conference. “In defense of the artists who, as will happen again this year, will be singing on bases, I say that it’s difficult to have such a diverse line-up and allow everyone to take the stage with their own band switch.” Well, it’s always my fault.

Love MI 2023 is organized by Doom Entertainment, the Fedez company, in collaboration with the City of Milan and produced by Vivo Concerti. It will be broadcast live on Mediaset Infinity from 6pm and on Italia 1 from 7pm, as well as simulcast on Radio 105. The moderators are Mariasole Pollio and Max Angioni, behind the stage is Gabriele Vagnato.

A fundraiser is linked to the event via phone number 45596 (active today through July 2) and on the event’s website Fedez Foundation. Purpose: support ofClub Andrea Tudisco which, since 1997, has been offering hospitality and hospital care to children who cannot find adequate care elsewhere in Rome’s specialized departments.

“The purpose,” Fedez said, “isn’t just to raise funds for specific projects,” it also sheds light on realities that not everyone knows.” Last year, the non-profit organization Tog – Together to Go benefited. «The room for which we raised money with the concert and then with my foundation is ready and will be inaugurated. I want to work on pragmatic projects where you can see the results.”

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