The album will be released on June 2nd

By vainsofjenna May16,2023 #2nd #album #June #released

For many fans of teduatoday is truly remarkable: after an endless wait, to say the least, the rapper announced the release date of his new and highly anticipated album: The Divine Comedy gonna see the light 2th of June.

So we’re just over two weeks away from Tedua’s new project, which, starting with the cover, curated by none other than photographer-director David LaChapelle, promises to be really great.

The Divine Comedy: Tedua’s new album will be released on June 2nd

“The Divine Comedy”, my new album, will be released on June 2nd”: The months-awaited words have finally been uttered and Tedua, as we said a while ago, has placated the fans who have been clamoring for his return.

During the lockdown period when it was taking shape there was talk of the album being released in June this year vita vera mixtape, but above all the sequel: Vita Vera Mixtape – Waiting for the Divine Comedywhich already hinted at what was to come next.

In short, the wait for the new project lasted a very long time, but this finally translated into an appointment.

At the moment there are no further references to the CD, but we are sure that there will be spoilers before we finally get it in the game The Divine Comedy.

And what better way to prepare for Tedua’s new album? By listening, of course True life mix tapeWaiting for the Divine Comedy for the Left below and secure your tickets for the live tour, subject to availability. HERE.

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