All Music Italia the most popular in March are Ultimo and Drojette

What were the most read artists on All music Italy In April?

Undoubtedly in the Events and TV Shows category Friends dominates unchallenged.

And it is precisely the talent of Maria DeFilippi that gets over 85.5% of visits in its category.

These are the top 5 rankings:

  1. Friends
  2. sanremo
  3. euro vision
  4. First of May
  5. X factor

As for the characters, this month is Julia Lisioli (the ex to whom Blanco He dedicated the song Julia) to the top of the table. The girl released a statement shortly after learning that a song from the tracklist of In love contained a piece that bears his name (read here).

Here are the top 5 characters:

  1. Julia Lisioli
  2. Jun, the Korean tiktoker singing in Italian
  3. Maria De Filippi (if you don’t speak of it exactly Friends)
  4. Claudio Cecchetto, especially vs Max Pezzali
  5. Amber

Click Next to discover this month’s most read artists, emerging talent and protagonists. And the editor too…

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