Blanco first everywhere. Annalisa flies in singles

Hit Parade – album, single and vinyl sales charts FIMI… bestseller in week 15 of 2023.

Here are the rankings FIMI from 04/14/2023 to 04/20/2023.

Debut at number one on the charts, second of two albums Blanco with In love. Among the newcomers are also i Metallica in third place ei Construction site that with the new record, elvisskim the podium (position number 4).

Falls on #59 I want a skirt from Louis StrangisRecord, which, by the way, won ours All Music Italy Awards in the category Disc revelation of 2022 while it stops at #87 the new album by Fasma.

Also in the individual debut in first place for Blanco Thanks to the duet with mine. Peaks initially higher than those of the new single Annalisa. My love In fact, it climbs to #5.

Blanco only manages to place two of the 12 tracks on the new album in the top 10. Report something Orange From ball Enough which collapses to No. 35 in its second week.

On vinyl Blanco in command Construction site And Metallica. It should be noted that the launch, for the first time on vinyl, by little angelssecond album by Amber from 1996, debuting at No. 11 without any sort of promotion.

You can find out the ranking list by clicking on the appropriate item below.


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