Gemelli DiVersi new singles and tour calendar for Marrakech

Different twins The new summer tour starts.

The new tour of Different twins which ends on October 19, 2023 in Latina.

The tour will be an opportunity to hear the new single live Marrakechwhich will be released for production on June 2nd room9. The song will be available on radio and in digital stores.

“I hear the bells, they always ring, the bells of the village of the village, my dear, ding don…”[…]
With the sun on my face but my heart is in Marrakech”

The song resonates in its electro-pop atmosphere with a fresh sound.

I have now Different twins From Theme And Strange They don’t stop because after the 4 appointments at the Assago Forum where they were guests of the Article 31 along with everything spaghetti funkyare ready to ignite the summer with their numerous lives.

This is the complete calendar.

Gemini Diversi – Summer Tour

June 1st – Trentola (CE)
June 2nd – Nocera (SA)
June 9th – Rimini Tezenis Summer Festival
June 10 – Locarno (Switzerland)
June 11 – Ciampino (RM)
June 12 – Rio Saliceto (RE)
June 17 – Oristano
June 24 – Principality of Marano (CS)
June 30th – Genoa Tezenis Summer Festival

July 7th – Rome, shopping mall
July 8th – Trapani
July 10 – San Vito dei Normanni (BR)
14 July – Agerola (NA)
July 21 – Varallo Sesia (VC)
July 26 – Noci (BA)
29 July – Forcelle di Torninparte (AQ)

August 4th – Urgnano (BG)
5 August – Pineto (TE)
August 6th – S.ta Croce da Camerina (RG)
11 August – Rosolini (SR)
August 13 – Scanzano Ionic (MT)
August 15 – Escalaplano (CA)
16 August – Grisolia (CS)
17 August – Pietramelara (CE)
18 August – Seal faction. of Post (RI)
20 August – Bocchigliero (CS)
August 26 – Pattada (SS)

2 September – Lodé (NU)
9 September – Tergu (SS)
September 14 – Castelfiorentino (FI)
30 September – Lomello (PV)

October 19 – Latina


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